John Evans was Kathy’s great, great, great, great, grandfather.
He was born in 1792 and died on the 27th April
1865 and lived in Coedpoeth and Wrexham in Wales.
John Evans was famous because on the 27th September 1819 he was buried for 12 days and nights in a coal pit at Pentre'r Fram Colliery, Minera, Wrexham, Wales. He was buried 120 yards below the surface, along with 18 other men. Most were rescued but 3 couldn’t be found and were presumed dead. Coffins were made with the names of the buried men engraved on them, ready for when they were recovered. It took 7 days to pump out the water and on day 8 the bodies of 2 miners were recovered, but there was no trace of John Evans. John’s wife begged the miners to continue searching so she could have a body fit for a burial.
On the 13th day John was discovered alive! He had no food or water but had survived by catching drops of water from an overhanging beam and eating tallow candles. When he was rescued John was met by his wife and a large crowd who cheered his 'return from the dead'. People knelt by the roadside in prayer.
John insisted on taking the coffin home with him and for many years he used it as a cupboard. John Evans died in 1865 aged 73 years.
Here are some photos of John Evans family. They date back to the late 1800s. John Evans family photos
Kathy’s sister, Patsy Burton, has written a song about John Evans and his amazing rescue. It is called “Deep in the Coedpoeth mine”. Click here to listen to Patsy, Kathy and Sarah Stevens singing this song. Sarah is Kathy’s daughter and John Evans’ great, great, great, great, great-grand-daughter).)